By Jaimie Woehr
Choosing the right hair color isn't as easy as picking a color you like.
It's important to consider your natural hair color, your skin tone and eye color when choosing a new hair color.
Pale skin suits pretty much all hair colors.
Avoid shades of red or golden blonde if your skin is pink.
Stick to ash tones to neutralize your coloring.
Avoid yellow, gold or orange tones if your skin is yellow.
Stick to deep reds.
Olive skin suits darker hair colors.
What type of clothing colors suit you best?
If you know this, it can help you choose the right hair color.
If you look good in red, orange, golden yellow, olive green or rust
You suit warm hair tones such as golden blonde, golden brown, strawberry blonde and auburn.
If you look good in bluish red, fuscia, black, royal blue or pine green
You suit cool hair tones such as platinum, ash blonde, ash brown, burgundy and jet black.
If you look good in red, purple, charcoal grey, periwinkle or teal
You suit neutral tones like sandy blonde, beige blonde, chocolate brown and mahogany.
Warm tones will bring out the pink in your skin, so if you've got redness to your skin, go for cool tones - champagne, sandy or ash blonde, or cool browns.
Warm gold or reds suits olive-toned or ashy skin.
Red is the hardest color to maintain. The shade will change almost from shampoo to shampoo so be prepared for the fade.Choose coppery-reds instead of blue reds for a more natural hair color.

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(623) 879-6969
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